
[閱讀筆記] Ten Key Customer Insights

我正在讀這本書:Ten Key Customer Insights: Unlocking the Mind of the Market


第一印象︰這本書的封面讓我想起一首我同學賈普林的老歌︰Stairway to Heaven ... XD

第二印象︰目前唸了約60%,覺得這是一本寫給產品經理的書。它整理了不少產品開發的個案、觀念、與 market research 的方法,特別是作者十分重視的質化方法。觀念與方法是挺對我的胃口,不過我就不確定,負責開發工作的工程師們喜不喜歡了。


Customer Insight 是什麼?

這本書認為,Customer insight 最好被定義為︰

the intimate, shared understanding of the spoken and latent, current and future needs of your target customers.

接著,是作者指出的十項重要的Customer Insight,產品經理宜貼在案頭、早晚服用︰

  1. 你的顧客正持續地、小小地改變他們的購買行為。
    Your customers are constantly changing in subtle ways that impact their purchasing behavior.

  2. 你的顧客無法告訴你,他們不滿足的需要是什麼;但是你仍可以發掘出,那會是什麼。
    Your customers can't tell you about their unmet needs, but you can uncover them.

  3. 在大多數的消費者購買決策中,感情的動機比理智的動機來的更為重要。
    Emotional motivations play a greater role than rational motivations in most consumer purchase decisions.

  4. 通常,一個較好的行銷策略,是瞄準某個顧客群,讓他們愛上你;而不是嘗試去讓所有的顧客喜歡上你。
    It is usually a better marketing strategy to target a segment of customers and get them to love you, than to attempt to get all customers to like you.

  5. 成功的行銷者,會讓目標客群的心裡以為,他們的品牌與其他品牌的差別,正是對顧客有利之處。
    Successful marketers create brand perceptions in the minds of target customers that differentiate their brand on a key benefit.

  6. 最成功的產品,會專注於那些最能影響顧客購買決策的特點。
    The most successful product offerings are those that focus on delivering only those features that have the most impact on customer purchase decisions.

  7. 最有效的行銷溝通,會結合理智的利益、以及情感的需要。
    The most effective marketing communications combine a rational benefit with an emotional need.

  8. 當你幫顧客了解你的產品對他們的價值之後,你的顧客將會更為樂意付大錢。
    Your customers will be more willing to pay a premium price when you help them understand the value of the benefits of your product offering.

  9. 讓你的顧客高興,進而忠誠地幫你傳道;這將對你的獲利產生有力、正面且直接的影響。
    Delight your customers to keep them as loyal apostles; this will have a strong, positive, and direct impact on your profitability.

  10. 成功的新產品,其開發過程需要目標顧客持續的參與。
    The development of successful new products requires the continuous participation of target customers.


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